thrifty tuesday–mirror re-do

yes, hard to believe another week has passed and it’s that time once again.

I found this mirror at…you guessed it…my favorite thrift. I loved the lines on it, but not the finish or the charming raggedy ann and andy stickers it was adorned with. I figured it would be an easy fix, and it was.

from this:


to this:


I thought about trimming it with some designs , but I think I like it plain, not overly decorated, that way it can work in any room.

What I used:

Palm Sander & sandpaper
Rust-oleum Appliance epoxy in biscuit
masking tape & scrap paper.
rags to wipe down sanding dust

What I did:

1. Wipe down the mirror to remove dirt and such

2. Sand to rough up the wood so paint adheres better:


3. Tape up all parts of the mirror that will not be painted, like so:


4. Now spray the heck out of it! In this case I did 3 light coats to ensure evenness and to prevent paint streaks.


I used appliance epoxy because it gives a hard shiny finish that is not prone to scratches. And I had some on hand already.
It does take longer to dry than regular spray paint, but I think it’s worth it. I just left it outside and went about my day then came back to it later.
Let it dry and take off all the tape and paper, wipe down and you have a brand new stylish mirror.


Posted in: DIY

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